Getting to a Cure
We are working with some of the best minds in the clinical field to lead research teams and evaluate the effectiveness of gene therapy at preventing, curing, slowing and reducing symptoms of CLN1.
In the next 10 years, we will extend our efforts to research and evaluate regenerative therapy for improvement of symptoms for those affected by all variants of Batten Disease. And in the next 15 years, we will research and evaluate the effectiveness of any and all potential treatments, therapies and cures for all variants of Batten Disease.
Ultimately, all victims of Batten Disease will receive or benefit from foundation influenced care and developments to have symptom slowing, symptom termination, symptom reversal, cure and/or prevention. We will see 1. FDA approval for Batten Disease therapy clinical trials, 2. Clinical success for Haley and other children, 3. Scientific advances beyond Batten Disease.
Haleys Heroes Foundation from Kerry Drum/IM Strong on Vimeo.