Run for the Rare 2025!
June 8, 2025 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Save the Date!!! In 2025, Run for the Rare is moving to June 8th. We are excited to run/walk and fundraise in warmer weather! Last year was a big success!
Haley’s Heroes Foundation presents RUN FOR THE RARE, a 10k, 5k or 1 mile run or walk to support International Batten Disease Awareness Day. Did you know that Rare is everywhere? So, let’s run or walk everywhere! 1 in 10 people have a rare disease and 50% of those are children. There are more than 7000 known rare diseases and an estimated 350 million people globally diagnosed with a rare disease. YET, 95% of all rare diseases don’t have a FDA approved treatment or cure. Let’s run to change the course of the lives for all those with rare disease. Run or walk anywhere! Run or walk any distance! Run or walk at any time! Post pictures at #RUNFORTHERARE!. You can run with us or choose a virtual run!!
The run will begin and end by the Pavilion in the North Meadow of the Riverfront City Park!